Steps to Address Questions/Concerns
The Pikangikum Education Authority and Eenchokay Birchstick School want to hear your questions and concerns regarding your child, and we always make every effort to address them as quickly as possible. Below is the best way to contact us, who you should reach out to, and when.
In almost all situations, your child’s classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school’s principal/program manager. If it is a transportation issue (missing a bus) please contact the Attendance Counsellor on Facebook (Attendance Counselor) and they can arrange a ride for your child.
Step 1 - Classroom Teacher
The first person to contact about classroom-related issues or concerns is your child's classroom teacher. Teachers know your child best and will be in the best position to help you. They can assist with:
Any questions about the classroom
Classroom rules and consequences
VISIT the Elementary School website and click on the staff listing to find your child's teacher.
Step 2 - School Principal/Program Manager
If you would like more information or if you have questions that are beyond the classroom, talk to your school principal. They can help with:
Concerns about an individual school
Student Registration
Student schedules
Student suspensions
Report card concerns
Homework and assignments
Code of Conduct
VISIT the School Staff List and click on the staff listing to contact your child's principal.