Special Education » IPRC Review

IPRC Review

Individual Placement and Review Committee also referred to as the IPRC:

This meeting is held once a student has been assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist, an Educational Psychologist and/or a medical diagnosis and meets one of the Ministry of Education designations of exceptionality. The parent and school team meet to discuss the student’s exceptionality and decide on the student’s placement within the school which may be one of the following:

  • Regular Class with Withdrawal Assistance

  • Regular Class with Indirect Service

  • Regular Class with Resource Assistance

  • Partially Integrated Placement in Special Education Class

  • Special Education Class Full-Time 

EBS also encourages student involvement in their educational goals. Students 16 years or older have the right to be consulted in the development and review of their IEPs and are encouraged to attend their IPRC.