Individual Education Plan
Individual Education Plans also referred to as the IEP
Eenchokay Birchstick School follows the Ministry of Education standard that requires every student who has been identified as exceptional to have an individual education plan (IEP) which is coordinated by the Special Education Resource department. A student who requires accommodations or services to succeed in school but has not been identified as exceptional may also have an IEP.
The IEP describes your child’s learning strengths and needs and identifies specific learning goals. It tracks student’s progress towards achieving their goals. The IEP also explains the special education services and teaching strategies the school will use to support their learning. In order to customize student’s IEPs, the special education team may gather information from various area such as:
Parents & Caregivers
Ontario Student Record (report cards)
Previous IEPs
Assessments: Medical, in-school, psychological-educational
Representatives of community agencies or services